
Our Mission

We’re on a mission to optimize the agricultural industry.

We used to be known as Vinsight, and now we’re Bountiful. When we started in 2015, the grape error rate for predicting production was 30 percent. Why? We found that many farmers in the specialty crops space were still using traditional techniques to predict yield. These low-fidelity forecasting methods weren’t giving them a clear enough understanding of their production until it was too late, leading to waste and inefficiency throughout the supply chain.

We saw a problem we wanted to solve.

Today, Bountiful is using advanced data science to help farmers and the greater agricultural industry forecast more accurately, allowing them to make smarter data-driven decisions. In the last few years, we’ve combined the latest in machine learning with weather, satellite, geographic, and historical data.  The result is a user-friendly platform that transforms volumes of complex agricultural information into simple, actionable insights. So food and agriculture businesses can run more efficiently, economically and environmentally sustainable operations.

More recently, we’re working to provide the specialty crop industry with transparent insights on all aspects of the crop from farm to market.

Our ultimate goal is to forecast and provide transparent insights for every specialty crop on our planet. Allowing us to optimize the global food supply chain. And we believe, at Bountiful, that means healthier people and a healthier planet.

Our Team

What we bring to the farm

We are a team of eight people made up of experts in agriculture, data science, remote sensing, and engineering. Our team of experts comes from NASA, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, University of California, Berkeley, California Institute of Technology and Pennsylvania State University. We have dedicated the last four years to perfecting our craft of understanding where, how, and why crop production results will be what they are. We focus on innovating new ways to use data and analytics in conjunction with agronomy to optimize the agriculture industry.

Our Founders

Megan Nunes

Founder, CEO

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Tomas Svitek

Co-founder, CTO

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Michael Bertino

Co-founder, Head of Product

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